Five lithological groups overlain by Recent deposits are recognised. Otaian (Oligocene) sandstones and mudstones with associated andesitic agglomerates overlie argillaceous limestones of probable Bortonian (Eocene) age. These strata, with gently undulating or horizontal attitudes lap on to highly-sheared, siliceous claystones resting on a basement of deformed Mesozoic greywackes and argillites which contain interbedded spilites, chert bodies and ores of manganese, iron and copper. The interrelations and origin of the spilitic lavas, chert bodies and copper are discussed. The basement rocks have attained a grade of regional metamorphism equivalent to the chlorite-1 zone of the Otago Schists. The sequence is intruded and overlain locally by Pliocene Basalts.

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