The results of expts. on sensitization of male type rh individuals by intraven. injns. of Rho-positive blood at intervals of 3- 4 months are described. Of 47 subjects receiving 2 injns. 38.3% became sensitized. After 3 injns. the incidence of sensitization rose to 54.5%; after 4 injns. the percentage rose to 63.5%; while after 5 injns. the incidence of sensitization was 67.2%. Because of the small number of individuals receiving more than 5 injns., it is not possible to state with certainty whether the incidence of sensitization approaches a max. limit somewhere between 70 and 80% of individuals injd., or whether all individuals eventually become sensitized providing they receive a sufficient number of injns. In contrast to these results, not one among 19 type Rh1Rh1 individuals receiving repeated injns. of type rh blood became sensitized to the Hr factors. These results confirm the conclusion based on clinical observations that the Hr factors are much weaker antigens than the Rh factors.