Traumatic Focal Posterior Tibialis Muscle Denervation

The purpose of this case presentation is to demonstrate posterior tibialis muscle (PTM) denervation as a cause of traumatic plantarflexion inversion weakness. In a 42-year-old woman, severe pain, swelling, and ecchymosis over the medial aspect of her left ankle developed after she twisted it while playing tennis. Plantarflexion inversion weakness developed (grade 3/5). The strength of all other muscle groups of the lower extremity was normal. Her pin and light touch sensation were normal in the left lower extremity. Deep tendon reflexes were equal and active at both knees and ankles. A magnetic resonance image of the left leg, ankle, and foot performed 1 month after injury demonstrated an intact posterior tibialis tendon behind the medial malleolus and edema-like increased signal intensity in the PTM on the T1-weighted image consistent with denervation. On electromyographic testing, there were continuous fibrillation and positive sharp wave potentials in every site tested in the PTM without any voluntary motor unit activity. The left extensor hallucis, left gastrocnemius, and lumbar paraspinal muscles were normal. In conclusion, combined magnetic resonance imaging and electromyographic studies supported denervation of the PTM as the cause of plantarflexion inversion weakness, rather than posterior tibialis tendon rupture in this patient.