The postnatal ingrowth of thalamocortical fibers from the mediodorsal nucleus to the prefrontal cortex was investigated in relation to the development of cortical lamination. Like the dopaminergic fibers in the prefrontal cortex and the thalamic fibers in the visual cortex, the mediodorsal fibers have entered the prefrontal cortex at birth. Most of the fibers are found in the developing layer VI, but, in contrast to the above‐mentioned systems, a considerable number of mediodorsal fibers have already penetrated into the upper, most immature part of the cortical plate on postnatal day 1. From day 1 to day 7 an increasing number of mediodorsal fibers reach the upper cortical plate, which by then is developing layer 111, the terminal layer of these fibers. The reciprocal connection from the layer VI cells of the prefrontal cortex to the mediodorsal nucleus develops between day 4 and day 9. Finally, the projection from the contralateral prefrontal cortex to the mediodorsal nucleus is established around day 10. The early presence of the mediodorsal fibers in the upper, differentiating cortical plate might indicate an important role for the mediodorsal fibers in the laminar development of the prefrontal cortex.