The Tillaberi stone fell in April 1970 in Republic of Niger. In the 157 g piece sent to Paris, a centimeter wide lithic inclusion is found. Contrary to previous assumptions, the stone is an L6 chondrite in which few chondrules can be distinguished; olivine is Fa 25 ± 0.4 percent with minor amounts of Ca, Cr, Ti; orthopyroxene is Fs 21.6 ± 1.2 percent with a rather large scatter of the amounts of minor elements. The feldspar, well developed, contains 10 to 11 percent An, 84 to 85 percent Ab, five percent Or, and 0.77 ± 0.09 percent FeO. The lithic inclusion contains much feldspar which corresponds to 14 to 17 percent An, 75 to 79 percent Ab, four to five percent Or without almost any FeO. This inclusion contains also rounded grains of olivine and minute crystals of chromite. It has a frothy microdoleritic texture with a frozen border against the chondritic material. As the nickel rich grains are either martensite or acicular plessite and the silicates are undeformed, a quick cooling after a short but intense heating is postulated to account for the mineralogical characteristics.