Assignment of the gene for beta 2-microglobulin (B2m) to mouse chromosome 2.

We have assigned the gene (B2m) coding for murine beta 2-microglobulin (B2M) to mouse chromosome 2 by using a novel panel of Chinese hamster-mouse somatic cell hybrid clones. Because of 35 independent primary hybrids used in this study were derived from two types of feral mice, each with a different combination of Robertsonian translocation chromosomes, as well as from mice with a normal complement of acrocentric chromosomes, analysis of 16 selected mouse enzyme markers provided data on the segregation of all 20 mouse chromosomes in these hybrids. Mouse B2M was identified in cell hybrids by immunoprecipitation with a species-specific anti-mouse B2M antiserum followed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the immunoprecipitated polypeptides. Enzyme analysis of the segregant clones excluded all chromosomes for B2m assignment except mouse chromosome 2, and karyotype analysis of nine informative hybrid clones confirmed the assignment of B2m to this chromosome. These results demonstrate that, in the mouse, as in man, B2m is not linked to the major histocompatibility or immunoglobulin loci.