. The so‐called “band” diseases of reef corals, the White Band Disease (WBD) and the Black Band Disease (BBD), were observed in the Red Sea and in the Philippines. Since they were previously known only from the western Atlantic, this is the first record for the Indo‐Pacific region. WBD is neither infectious nor contagious and the pathogen is unknown. BBD is highly infectious and contagious and is caused by the cyanophyte Phormidium corallyticum. Susceptibility to WBD occurs throughout the order Scleractinia, but the effects of the disease are most severe among Acroporidae. Susceptibility to BBD seems to be restricted to Faviidae, with Platygyra and Goniastrea species the most heavily afflicted. WBD cannot be influenced by any parameter tested so far. BBD can be enhanced by light and by water eutrophication, and its advance can be stopped by antibiotics. An active WBD seems to be a precondition for the origin of BBD.