Radionuclide concentrations in the diet of residents in a high level natural radiation area in Iran

Concentrations of 137Cs and 226Ra in the diet (foodstuffs and drinking water) of adult inhabitants in the high-level natural radiation area (HLNRA) of Ramsar, Iran have been determined. The annual intake of foodstuffs was estimated on the basis of their average annual consumption. Food samples collected from local markets were analyzed by means of a gamma spectrometer. The estimated annual dietary intakes of 137Cs and 226Ra were 130Bq and 245Bq, respectively. The concentrations of natural radionuclides in food and drinking water of the residents are higher than the world average, and are correlated with the high concentration of these radionuclides in soil and water. Calculations were also made to determine the potential dose to an individual consuming such diets.