Modification and Factor Analysis of the Grief Experience Inventory in Non-Death Loss/Bereavement Situations

The Grief Experience Inventory (GEI), developed by Sanders, Mauger, and Strong in 1985, is a broad multidimensional measure of grief applicable to both death and non-death loss/bereavement situations. Further modification of the non-death GEI form was undertaken and employed in assessing grief reactions of mothers of brain-injured adolescents and young adults across three years, post-injury. Factor analysis of these data was computed and compared to factors derived from the original GEI General Reference Group. There were strikingly similar factor structures between the modified non-death form and the original GEI, affirming the rationale and method of inventory construction, and supporting the validity and strength of the GEI as a measure of grief in varied loss situations. Recommendations for future application are offered.

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