Early Glottic Carcinoma (Tino) Results of Irradiation with or Without Endoscopic Microsurgery

Patients (79) with T1N0 glottic carcinoma were treated at the Department of Radiology, University of Tokyo, between 1967 and 1977. The average total dose varied from 73 Gy in the 1st yr to 32 Gy in the last year of the period. Endoscopic microsurgery was introduced in the middle of the period. The overall local recurrence rate was 15% within 5 yr. Observed and adjusted 5-yr survival rates were 79 and 91%, respectively. Endoscopic microsurgery was not an important factor for local control rates and survival rates. Patients with T1N0 glottic carcinoma were successfully treated with a total dose equivalent to a time-dose-fractionation of 80-100.