Liddle M. J. (1976) An approach to objective collection and analysis of data for comparison of landscape character, Reg. Studies 10, 173–181. The approach presented in this paper is based on the premise that ‘landscape character’ is a description of landform and land use features which can be quantified, whereas ‘landscape quality’ is a purely subjective idea and as such is not amenable to mathematical treatment. In this example field measurements and data analyses were carried out in a quantitative and objective manner but subjective judgements were used in the selection of features and in giving them equal weightings. The final results are presented as ordination diagrams and indicator species classifications which relate locations according to their character. There is a good probability that landscape of similar character will provoke a similar response by the observer (cf. Crofts and Cooke, 1974) and character is, therefore, used as a guide for subsequent evaluation by reference to locations that are known to the person making the evaluation and by visits to the field. It is also possible to attribute similar values to different types of landscape that would normally appear at opposite ends of a conventional assessment.