Calculations on the Mechanical Energy of Vacancy Condensation Loops, Stacking Fault Tetrahedra, and Voids

Employing the most accurate theoretical expressions known for the energy of five different types of vacancy condensation products, the relative stabilities of these are evaluated by means of a B 5500 computer. The calculations are performed for the cases of aluminum, nickel, platinum, copper, gold, and silver, while the defects considered are the hexagonal Frank loop on {111} with 1/3 as Burgers vector, two perfect loops with 1/2 Burgers vectors, one of these being hexagonal on {111} the other diamond‐shaped on {110}, further the spherical void and, finally, the stacking fault tetrahedron. By comparing the results of the calculation with experimental evidence, some broad agreement is found, but also some quite important discrepancies. These are discussed theoretically.