Ribbons on the CBR Sky: A Powerful Test of a Baryon Symmetric Universe

If the Universe consists of domains of matter and antimatter, annihilations at domain interfaces leave a distinctive imprint on the Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) sky. The signature is anisotropies in the form of long, thin ribbons of width $\theta_W\sim 0.1^\circ$, separated by angle $\theta_L\simeq 1^\circ(L/100h^{-1}{Mpc})$ where L is the characteristic domain size, and y-distortion parameter $y \approx 10^{-6}$. Such a pattern could potentially be detected by the high-resolution CBR anisotropy experiments planned for the next decade, and such experiments may finally settle the question of whether or not our Hubble volume is baryon symmetric.

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