Magnetic Properties of Beta-Uranium Hydride

A thorough magnetic investigation of beta-uranium hydride has been carried out. The curve of reciprocal paramagnetic susceptibility against temperature generally follows the Curie-Weiss law and shows the same curvatures near the Curie point and at high temperatures as do the data for the ferromagnetic elements above their Curie points. A considerable number of magnetization curves have been obtained for a wide range of temperatures. Three methods were used for deducing the spontaneous magnetization for comparison. The curve of reduced spontaneous magnetization against reduced temperature lies very close to the curves of iron, nickel, and cobalt. The paramagnetic Curie temperature, 173°K, is about 8°K lower than the ferromagnetic Curie point. The number of electron spins per molecule obtained from the saturation magnetization and from the temperature dependence of the paramagnetic susceptibility shows the same discrepancy as do the ferromagnetic elements. Three hystereses loops at about 161.1°K, 75°K, and 4.2°K and the coercive forces from about 170°K down to 4.2°K have been obtained. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy constants for the whole low-temperature range calculated from the magnetization curves and from the coercive forces agree in order of magnitude.

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