Vaporization of silicon and germanium as molecular species in electrothermal atomizers

The vaporization of Si and Ge and their respective oxides was recorded using an ultraviolet spectrometer with diode-array detection. The samples were analysed as aqueous slurries using thermal programmes that are normally employed for trace analysis. Both the elements and the respective oxides form the monoxides SiO(g) and GeO(g) during atomization. In the presence of compounds containing S, CaSO4 or FeS2, the gaseous sulfides SiS and GeS were observed. While in the case of Si it is possible to obtain SiS as a unique species from wall vaporization, with Ge the presence of GeS is always associated with that of GeO. The spectral characteristics of the compounds identified are reported. The presence of SiS has also been detected during the atomization of a bituminous coal.

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