A rather detailed study has been conducted at the Southern Regional Research Laboratory, as well as at other places, on the textile properties of cyanoethylated cotton. For the most part the studies have been concerned with improvements in rot and heat resistance and a comparison of such improvements with those resulting from acetylation of cotton. In the course of these studies various mechanical properties have been measured. These include breaking strength, knot strength, tearing strength, ultimate elongation, tensile and flexural stiffness, toughness, elastic recovery, wrinkle recovery, and flex and flat abrasion resistance. While many of these data have been published, they are in most cases reported incidentally and with little effort at completeness. The results are expressed in varying units, thus limiting their ready comparisons. Finally, they are widely dispersed in many papers, thus not readily accessible. It is the purpose of the present report to assemble the mechanical data on fibers, yarns, and fabrics; to express them in consistent units ; and to interpret them in terms of degree of cyanoethyl substitution, conditions of reaction, textile products involved, and fine structure of the fiber. The report also points out the still unexplored areas of chemical substitution, textile product, and conditions of treatment which are in need of further study if an adequate picture of the mechanical behavior of cyanoethylated cotton is to be provided.