NMR Spectra of π-Cyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl in Nematic and Isotropic Solvents

Restricted Access.1H-NMR spectra including 13C-H satellites in the natural abundance of 13C in b.pi-cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl dissolved in a nematic solvent are reported. In addition, the 13C-NMR spectrum of the compound in the natural abundance of 13C, in an isotropic medium is studied. Values of the direct and the indirect HH and 13CH couplings are given. Information on the molecular geometry of the ring skeleton thus obtained is discussed. Contributions of the molecular vibrations to the observed dipolar couplings are estimated. The direct dipolar coupling between the carbonyl 13C and the ring protons are used to derive the distance between the plants containing these carbons and the cyclopentadienyl ring