The Intensity of Competition Versus its Importance: An Overlooked Distinction and Some Implications

The intensity of competition is a physiological concept, related directly to the well-being of individual organisms but only indirectly and conditionally to their fitness, and even more indirectly to the evolution of populations and the structure of communities. The importance of competition is primarily an ecological and evolutionary concept, related directly to the ecology and fitness of individuals but only indirectly to their physiological states. The intensity of competition is not necessarily correlated with the intensities of predation, disturbance, abiotic stress, or other ecological processes. The importance of competition is necessarily relative to the importances of other processes. Intensity refers primarily to the process of present competition, whereas importance refers primarily to the products of past competition. The distinction between the intensity and the importance of competition clarifies two long-standing ecological debates. Some ecologists have proposed that competition is greater in more stressful habitats, others the opposite, and still others that no such relationship exists. Evidence cited to refute or support these positions often confuses intensity and importance. Distinguishing between them focuses questions more sharply and indicates what sorts of new evidence should be sought. The more widely known debate over the prevalence of competition as an agent of community structure is a debate about the importance of competition, but evidence about the intensity of competition has often been used by both sides. We argue that intensity and importance need not be correlated, and so measurements of the intensity of competition are not directly relevant to this debate. This distinction also generates testable hypotheses and suggests directions for research. For example, we hypothesize that competition can be unimportant even if it is very intense: no such hypothesis is possible unless importance is distinguished from intensity. We discuss the application of these ideas to methods and theories used to study competition, ecological communities, and the evolution of competitive ability. We advocate a research approach that presumes multiple, interacting causes, including competition, affecting community structure, and we show how the distinction between intensity and importance helps to make this feasible.

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