Biologischer Effekt von rekombiniertem Leukozyten-alpha2-Interferon bei metastasierten kolorektalen Karzinomen

High-dosage recombinant alpha 2 interferon ( rIFN -alpha 2) was used for treatment of 12 patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the colon or rectum. In a prospective randomised fashion either 50 X 10(6) E/m2 as 30-minute infusion on 5 consecutive days four-weekly or 20 X 10(6) E/m2 subcutaneously thrice weekly were administered. No significant regression of the tumour could be observed. Treatment side-effects such as fever, shivering and fatigue were so pronounced particularly after subcutaneous administration that no patient could be treated for longer than 8 weeks. According to these findings single use of rIFN -alpha 2 does not seem to be of use for treatment of metastatic colorectal carcinomas. Subcutaneous administration is associated with considerable side-effects which subjectively in the majority of patients were considered intolerable.

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