Neurotrophins: Mechanisms of Action

Within recent years, new cellular, molecular, and genetic techniques have led to an ex plosion of biochemical information about cell growth and regulation. Growth factor recep tor signal transduction and proto-oncogene product function are among the fields that have experienced the most impressive and exciting gains. One important area in which these have merged is in the elucidation of the mechanisms of signal transduction of a class of receptors bearing intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. The basis of the current "De cade of the Brain" has been the expectation that these powerful techniques and discov eries in cell biology would fuel equally exciting discoveries in the function of the brain and the nervous system in general. The neurotrophins are a class of neurotrophic factors that powerfully shape both the developing and the adult brain. The mechanisms of neuro trophin action via their trk receptors, briefly reviewed in this Update, is one area where the groundwork is likely being established for the futures of neurology and psychiatry. The Neuroscientist 1:3-6, 1995