Paired‐pulse and frequency facilitation in the CA1 region of the in vitro rat hippocampus

Several types of facilitation of evoked synaptic responses were investigated in the CA1 region of the in vitro rat hippocampus. Homosynaptic paired-pulse facilitation and heterosynaptic freqeuncy facilitation were characterized and found as differentiable processes on the basis of several characteristics. Paired-pulse facilitation, which occurs when the same input is stimulated twice in rapid succession, is manifested as an increase in both the extracellularly recorded population spike and the field EPSP, and is specific to the set of afferents excited by the 1st impulse. Responses to other excitatory afferents show no facilitation by a heterosynaptic conditioning pulse. At intervals < 200 ms, the degree of facilitation produced by a preceding impulse appears to decline as a 1st order exponential function of time. Facilitation is increased by lowering Ca or raising Mg concentrations in the bathing medium, with no apparent change in the time constant of the decay process. The phenomenon that has sometimes been termed frequency facilitation, and which occurs during the early phase of repetitive stimulation, appears to be an extension of paired-pulse facilitation. It is seen as an increase in amplitude of both the EPSP and population spike in response to stimulation of homosynaptic inputs, can be predicted with fair accuracy by assuming that the residual paired-pulse facilitation produced by each impulse adds linearly with that from previous impulses, and is affected by Ca and Mg ions in the same manner as is paired-pulse facilitation. These 2 types of facilitation, which apparently share a common mechanism, are termed synaptic or primary facilitation. Another type of facilitation, might more properly be called frequency facilitation, develops slowly during the course of repetitive stimulation. It is the result of an increase in cell firing in response to any excitatory input, either homo- or heterosynaptic, at time points at which the field EPSP is typically depressed. Increases in the K concentration of the perfusion medium produce effects similar to those observed with frequency facilitation; stimulation-evoked increases in the extracellular concentration of this ion are hypothesized to underlie this type of generalized facilitation.