Motivated by concepts of classical electrical percolation theory, we study the quantum-mechanical electrical conductance of a lattice of wires as a function of the bond-occupation probability p. In the ordered or ballistic case (p=1), we obtain an analytic expression for the energy dispersion relation of the Bloch electrons, which couples all the transverse momenta. We also get closed-form expressions for the conductance gNL of a finite system of transverse dimension Nd1 and length L (with d=2 or 3). In the limit L→∞, the conductance is quantized similarly to what is found for the conductance of narrow constrictions. We also obtain a closed-form expression for the conductance of a Bethe lattice of wires and find that it has a band whose width shrinks as the coordination number increases. In the disordered case (p<1), we find, in d=3 dimensions, a percolation transition at a quantum-mechanical threshold pq that is energy dependent but is always larger than the classical percolation threshold pc. Near pq (namely, for small values of ‖Δ‖==‖p-pq‖), the mean quantum-mechanical conductance 〈gL〉 of a cube of length L follows the finite-size-scaling form 〈gL(p)〉≊Ld2t/νFL1/ν), where the scaling function F and the critical exponent ν are different from their classical analogues.

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