The influence of feeding level on the protein requirement of pigs between 20 and 45 kg live weight

One hundred entire male pigs growing between 20 and 45 kg live weight were used to investigate the effects on growth performance and carcass composition of eight concentrations of dietary crude protein (CP), ranging from 93 to 238 g/kg and three levels of food intake (giving mean daily digestible energy 15·6, 18·7 and 22·4 MJ).Growth rate improved with each increase in food intake and with increase in dietary CP up to 175 g/kg (10·5 g lysine per kg) at all food intakes. Food:gain ratio (g food per g growth) improved with increase in dietary CP up to 175 g/kg and with the first increase in food intake.The rate of protein deposition in the carcass (excluding viscera) increased with each increase in level of feeding, and with increases in dietary CP up to 175 g/kg. The results showed that for pigs given diets deficient in protein, the rate of protein deposition was linearly related to protein intake and independent of energy intake. For pigs given diets adequate in protein, the rate of protein deposition was related to energy intake, and independent of protein intake.The carcass fat of pigs killed at 45 kg live weight decreased on all feeding treatments with increase in dietary CP up to 175 g/kg, and was higher in pigs given the two higher levels of feeding than in those fed at the lowest level. The effect of feeding level on carcass fat content declined as the protein adequacy of the diet was reduced.