Ultrastructural three‐dimensional reconstruction of group III and group IV sensory nerve endings (“free nerve endings”) in the knee joint capsule of the cat: Evidenence for multiple receptive sites

The noncorpuscular endings (“free nerve endings”) of thinly myelinated group III and nonmyelinated group IV afferent nerve fibers have been examined in the knee joint capsule of sympathectomized cats by transmission electron microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction of series of semi- and ultrathin sections. The sensory ending is the most distal part of a group III or IV nerve fiber that consists only of the sensory axon and associated Schwann cells but lacks a myelin sheath and is not surrounded by perineurium. The sensory axon divides into several branches and forms a terminal tree. The branches run either as single fibers or within small Remak bundles in parallel to sensory axons of other endings; they spread along vessel walls and also extend into dense connective tissue. Each sensory axon consists of a series of spindle-shaped thick segments “beads” connected by waist-like thin segments. Thus all axons of sensory endings have a string-of-beads appearance, which resembles that of efferent sympathetic nerve fibers. The beads of the sensory axon and the end bulb at its tip show the same ultrastructural features which are characteristic of receptive sites: an accumulation of mitochondria and glycogen particles and various vesicles in the axoplasm and “bare” areas of axolemma that are not covered by Schwann cell processes. Group III and group IV sensory endings differ in the length of their branches up to 200 μm in group III vs. more than 300 μm in group IV, number of beads per 100 μm axon length about seven vs. nine or ten, mean diameter of axons 0.9-1.5 μm vs. 0.3-0.6 μm, and the presence of a neurofilament core consisting of bundles of parallel microfilaments only in group III. In conclusion, we propose that the sensory part of noncorpuscular “free nerve endings” is formed by the entire terminal tree of group III or group IV nerve fibers and that the beads in the course of the sensory axon represent multiple receptive sites.