Hatching ofEchinostoma caproni miracidia from eggs derived from adults grown in hamsters and mice
- 1 January 1993
- journal article
- research article
- Published by Springer Nature in Zeitschrift Fur Parasitenkunde-Parasitology Research
- Vol. 79 (1) , 28-32
- https://doi.org/10.1007/bf00931214
Echinostoma caproni eggs developed fully formed miracidia from hamster-source eggs in 9 days and from mouse-source eggs in 10 days under either light or dark conditions at 27° C. Incubation of egg cultures under constant light resulted in miracidial hatching from hamster-source eggs in 11 days and from mousesource eggs in 13 days. Exposure to light was essential to trigger hatching, with incandescent light providing more consistent stimulation than fluorescent light. A majority of the miracidia hatched at between 1100 and 1600 hours, indicating a diurnal circadian pattern. Eggs stored in a dark environment for 11 days required 6 days to reach maximal hatching after exposure to light. Eggs stored for 46 and 56 days hatched on the same day of their exposure to light. Miracidia that hatched after 56 days of dark storage exhibited aberrant swimming behavior; those stored in a dark environment for 70 days or longer did not hatch when exposed to light.Keywords
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