Nucleotide & ribonucleic acid metabolism of corn seedlings

Evidence gained from a study of the metabolism of nucleotides and RNA indicates that there is a dynamic change in content of these constituents and in mass of the subcellular particulates of radicles and scutella as corn seedlings grow. Normally, as corn seeds germinate there is a production of nucleotides in the scutellum and radicle tissues. RNA is synthesized in radicle tissue but degraded ia the scutellum. The distribution of RNA in the mitochondrial, microsomal and cytoplasmic sap cellular fractions of scutella and radicles changes with growth. The amount of microsomal and soluble RNA of both tissues rapidly declines with a concomitant increase in mitochondrial RNA with growth and maturation. The amount of radioactive phosphate incorporated into the various RNA-s and nucleotides separated by column chromatography was determined. A comparison of the accumulation and incorporation of ADP-C814 by excised plant tissue was made.