Potential pathogenicity of Cladosporium tennuisimum, Phaeoisaria clematidis and Ramichloridium subulatum in a mouse model

The potential pathogenicity of one isolate each of Cladosporium tennuisimum, Phaeoisaria clematidis and Ramichloridium subulatum for mice was investigated by intravenous, intraperitoneal and subcutaneous routes of inoculation with saline and mucin suspensions of the organisms. No mice died during the experimental period. Dark nodular lesions were formed in the liver, spleen, kidneys, intestine, stomach, omentum and diaphragm after inoculation through the intravenous and intraperitoneal routes. Gross lesions were produced in the lungs of one mouse inoculated intravenously with R. subulatum. Localised nodular lesions were formed in the subcutis following the subcutaneous route. Tissue response was characterised by granulomatous inflammatory reaction. Fungal elements were confined within the granulomata. Though the fungi showed limited pathogenic potential, they may represent a hazard under conditions of compromised host immunity.