Minigemistocytic astrocytoma with frequent apoptoses: Analysis of tumor growth

A rare glial tumor known as ‘minigemistocytic astrocytoma (gliofibrillaty oligodendroglioma)’ is reported in a 73 year old Japanese male. A low-density area found by computed tomography and thought to be an operative scar remaining after hematoma in the right frontal lobe of the cerebrum had been followed for 10 years. This area, however, had been accompanied by a cyst for 2 years and had developed gradually for 1 year prior to dissection. The tumor was poorly demarcated from the surrounding normal tissue macroscopically at operation. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of small gemistocytic cells in uniform sheets intersected by a small vascular stroma with frequent eosinophilic granular bodies, mitoses and apoptotic bodies. lmmunohistochemical examination for glial fibrilliary acidic protein (GFAP) revealed remarkable positive reactivity in the perinuclear cytoplasm, but no immunoreactivity for vimentin or Leu 7 was found. Electron microscopically, rich filaments amngfd in parallel bundles were found in the neoplastic cells. These histological findings are closely consistent with those of previously reported minigemistocytic astrocytoma cases. The GFAP-rich minigemistocytic astrocytoma with granular bodies and frequent mitoses in the present case is considered to indicate a higher degree of astrocytic differentiation and malignant potential than previous cases. The frequent apoptoses, however, might inhibit tumor growth in this case.