Using School-Level Interviews to Develop a Multisite PE Intervention Program

The Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls (TAAG) is a randomized, multicenter field trial in middle schools that aims to reduce the decline of physical activity in adolescent girls. To inform the development of the TAAG intervention, two phases of formative research are conducted to gain information on school structure and environment and on the conduct of physical education classes. Principals and designated staff at 64 eligible middle schools were interviewed using the School Survey during Phase 1. The following year(Phase 2), physical education department heads of the 36 schools selected into TAAG were interviewed. Responses were examined to design a standardized, multicomponent physical activity intervention for six regions of the United States. This article describes the contribution of formative research to the development of the physical education intervention component and summarizes the alignment of current school policies and practices with national and state standards.