Effects of Drugs Alone, or Combined with Refrigeration, in Protecting Female Mice against X-Irradiation-Induced Sterility

Female CF-1 mice were given whole body X-irradiation of 25 r, 50 r, 100 r, or 150 r. These mice were pre-treated with Hydergine, 0.3 mg/kg and u.6 mg/kg; chlorpromazine, 23 mg/kg and 45 mg/kg; promethazine, 23 mg/kg and 45 mg/kg; urethan, 0.6 mg/kg; reserpine, 3.3 mg/kg; various combinations of these drugs; and physiological saline solution as control. Half of the pretreated groups were additionally cooled by refrigeration. Chlorpromazine and reserpine clearly showed the most consistent radioprotective effect on fertility, especially at 50 r and 100 r. Refrigeration affords additional radio-protection, evidenced by increases in rate of fertility and in litter size during the fertile period.