(5Z, 7E)-5,7-Dodecadien-1-ol: Female Sex Pheromone of the Pine MothDendrolimus spectabilisButler

The sex pheromone of the pine moth Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler was tentatively identified as 5,7-dodecadien-l-ol by the use of the electroantennogram technique. Analyses of abdominal tip extracts of virgin females by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy showed the presence of a (5Z, 7E)-isomer and a (5E, 7E)-isomer in the ratio of about ca. 5:1. In field examinations with four synthetic isomers of 5,7-dodecadien-l-ol, only traps baited with the (5Z, 7E)-isomer captured an appreciable numbers of male moths.