SEM algorithm and unsupervised statistical segmentation of satellite images

The work addresses Bayesian unsupervised satellite image segmentation, using contextual methods. It is shown, via a simulation study, that the spatial or spectral context contribution is sensitive to image parameters such as homogeneity, means, variances, and spatial or spectral correlations of the noise. From this one may choose the best context contribution according to the estimated values of the above parameters. The parameter estimation is done by SEM, a densities mixture estimator which is a stochastic variant of the EM (expectation-maximization) algorithm. Another simulation study shows good robustness of the SEM algorithm with respect to different image parameters. Thus, modification of the behavior of the contextual methods, when the SEM-based unsupervised approaches are considered, is limited, and the conclusions of the supervised simulation study stay valid. An adaptive unsupervised method using more relevant contextual features is proposed. Different SEM-based unsupervised contextual segmentation methods, applied to two real SPOT images, give consistently better results than a classical histogram-based method.<>

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