Delta-M, vertical component, and media noise of NiP- and Cr-underlayer media for longitudinal recording

Media having Cr‐underlayer and NiP‐underlayer were compared using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), delta‐M, torque (vertical component), and media noise measurements. TEM micrographs show that NiP‐underlayer media were more isolated than Cr‐underlayer media. Of the Cr‐underlayer media, CoCrTa media seem to exhibit grain isolation. The grain size of NiP‐underlayer media was smaller (30 nm) than that of Cr‐underlayer media (60 nm). Results indicate that media with isolated grains seem to have higher vertical component than media with more continuous grains. The NiP‐underlayer media exhibits lower media noise than the Cr‐underlayer media. This is attributed to smaller and more isolated grains in the NiP‐underlayer media.