Catecholaminergic and cholinergic neurons in the developing retina of the rat

We have examined the development of catecholaminergic and cholinergic neurons in the retina of the rat by using antibodies against the enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and choline acetyl transferase (ChAT), respectively. TH‐immunoreactivity was first detected at P (postnatal day) 3 in somata located in the inner part of the cytoblast layer (CBL) and in fine dendrites extending toward the middle of the inner plexiform layer (IPL). These cells were similar in shape and soma size to the class 2 TH‐immunoreactive (TH‐IR) cells of the adult rat. At P6, TH‐immunoreactivity was expressed by a second population of cells. Their somata were in the inner part of the inner nuclear layer (INL), but were distinctly larger, with short thick dendrites extending into the outer and/or middle parts of the IPL. Over subsequent days, the dendrites of these larger cells spread profusely in the outer part of the IPL, making it likely that they are the class 1 TH‐IR cells of the adult. ChAT‐immunoreactive (ChAT‐IR) cells were not detected until P15, when ChAT‐IR somata were observed in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) and INL, and their dendrites were observed already segregated into the distinct strata of the IPL in which they are found in the adult.The subsequent growth of TH‐IR somata of both classes was uneven, persisting longer in temporal than in nasal retina. This extended growth of temporal cells establishes the marked nasotemporal differences in soma diameter apparent among TH‐IR cells in the adult (Mitrofanis and Stone, '86; Mitrofanis et al., '88b). The growth and adult size of ChAT‐IR somata, on the other hand, did not vary with retinal position; their diameters were similar to those of the adult cells from the time they first appeared.The distribution of ChAT‐IR cells at P15 shared several features of the distribution of ganglion cells. The density of ChAT‐IR cells was greatest at the area of peak ganglion cell density and declined toward the periphery. In contrast, TH‐IR cells concentrated from the time they first appeared at the superior temporal margin, peripheral to the area of peak density of ganglion and ChAT‐IR cells.