Influence of the filling factor on the spectral properties of plasmonic crystals

Plasmonics crystals (PCs) comprised of finite-size triangular lattices of gold bumps deposited on a gold thin film are studied by means of a near-field optical microscope. The plasmonic crystals fabricated by electron-beam lithography are illuminated by an incident surface plasmon polariton excited in the Kretschmann-Raether configuration at the gold/air thin-film interface for incident free-space wavelengths in the range 740820nm. Based on the measurement of the surface plasmon polariton (SPP) damping distance in the crystals, the existence of a band gap for an incident SPP traveling along the two symmetry axes ΓM and ΓK is demonstrated. By increasing the lateral size of the bumps, the influence of the filling factor on the PC spectral properties is investigated. We show that, for the two ΓM and ΓK axes, the central gap frequency depends only weakly on the filling factor, whereas we observed a neat band-gap broadening for increasing filling factors. The experimental results are found to be consistent with the PC band structures computed by means of the differential method. In particular, a good agreement between the experimental and theoretical central gap frequencies for the two ΓM and ΓK axes is obtained. Finally, we investigate the origin of the band gap in PCs by computing modal reflectivity (or in-plane reflectivity) of semi-infinitely extended crystals. From these calculations, we show that the SPP propagation through a PC is inhibited by distributed reflection and not by losses channels such as absorption or out-of-plane scattering.