Developmental nasal anomalies

Despite the complex embryological development of the nose and surrounding structures, significant developmental nasal anomalies are rare. We therefore present our experience in the management of such anomalies (excluding choanal atresia) over the past 10 years.Fifty cases were surgically treated; two nasopharyngeal cysts, four hairy polyps, two meningoencephalo coeles, seven gliomata, 20 dermoids, two capillary haemangiomata, four fibromas, one fibromyxyoma, one mucocoele, one granuloma, one lipoma, two nasal aplasias, two nasal clefts and one nasal web. All cases presented with nasal obstruction and/or as a nasal mass. Computerized tomography and magnetic reson ance imaging aided diagnosis determining the extent of intracranial involvement. Various surgical tech niques were used ranging from simple excision to the lateral rhinotomy and Goodman's external rhinoplasty approach. Only five patients (10 per cent) suffered complications; two CSF leaks and three recurrences, all treated successfully.

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