Experimental study of neutrino absorption on carbon

The process of electron emission from ∼30 MeV neutrino absorption on carbon, C12(νe,e )12N, has been observed. The flux-weighted total cross section for the exclusive neutrino-induced nuclear transition C12(νe,e )12N(g.s.) is [1.05±0.10(stat)±0.10(syst)]×1041 cm2. The measured cross section and angular distribution dσ/dΩ are in agreement with theoretical estimates. The inclusive νe C12 reaction rate, which accounted for the majority of all neutrino interactions observed in this experiment, was determined from a detailed fit of energy and angular distributions for the observed electrons. The inclusive C12(νe,e)X cross section is measured to be [1.41±0.23(tot)]×1041 cm2. An upper limit for the sum of the C13(νe,e)X+27Al(νe,e)X inclusive absorption cross sections is presented.