Collagens, laminin, fibronectin, and cytoskeletal composition of cells in syngeneic aortal vein grafts in the rat

The supradiaphragmatic vena cava of the rat was transplanted to the abdominal aorta in syngeneic recipients. The cells and the connective tissue matrix of these grafts were studied 3 days to 12 weeks after transplantation by immunofluorescence staining of the cytoskeletal proteins desmin, vimentin, and myosin. The matrix proteins, collagen Types I and III, laminin, fibronectin, and fibrin(ogen) were similarly demonstrated. Blood coagulation Factor VIII was used as a marker for endothelial cells. Inflammatory cells invaded the graft during Week 1, but later on the grafts were crowded with cells containing vimentin. Intimal thickenings developed already after 1 week. Smooth muscle cells containing desmin proliferated in these thickenings. After transplantation collagen Type I increased in the graft, but collagen Type III rather decreased. During the phase of intense proliferation of smooth muscle cells the media contained a rich matrix of diffusely distributed laminin. The laminin of older grafts was confined mostly to the subintimal zone and to the intimal plaques.