Struktur der Sesquiterpene von Petasites hybridus (L.) G. SCH.: Petasol‐ und Isopetasol‐Abkömmlinge

Structure of the Sesquiterpenes of Petasites hybridus (L.) G. M. et SCH.: Petasol and Isopetasol DerivativesThe structure of 11 compounds of the sesquiterpene fraction of petasites hybridus has been determined by combination of spectroscopic methods, especially by analysis of the 360‐MHz‐1H‐NMR. spectra. Most natural products are esters of two isomeric sesquiterpene alcohols, characterized by an eremophilan skeleton, namely of petasol as well as of isopetasol. The structure of one key product has been confirmed by X‐ray analysis.