Studies on resistance of pea to pea seed borne mosaic virus and new pathotypes

Summary: Studies were carried out to search for virulent pathotypes of pea seed borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) on pea and to explore new sources of resistance in French and Indian pea collections. A virulent pathotype, PSbMV‐Pi, capable of partially overcoming the recessively resistant gene sbm 1, was identified for the first time in an Indian pea line. PSbMV‐Pi did not produce visible symptoms on sbm 1 lines, on which it had a reduced multiplication and could no longer be detected by ELISA seven wk after inoculation. However, it multiplied normally on the susceptible cultivars and could be differentiated from other strains on a set of strain differentials. Also, another strain, PSbMV‐Pv, of the virulent pathotype, that appeared to multiply slightly better than PSbMV‐Pi on sbm 1 lines, was recovered from the local strain of PSbMV.Five new sources of resistance to PSbMV were screened from the Indian pea collection by a rapid screening based on the assumption that, in germplasm collections, the virus is generalised to all susceptible lines by aphid vectors. The initial step of testing a few testas of each germplasm line in ELISA and the rejection of positive lines eliminated 85% of the germplasm before further testing in the field. The inheritance studies on four of the five resistant lines lead to reidentification of the sbm 1 gene. The sbm 1 lines behaved fairly well under heavy inoculum pressure in the pea fields in 1989.