Ovulation Induction With Bromocriptine (CB154) in Patients With Hyperprolactinaemia

Summary: Bromocriptine was effective in inducing ovulation in 95% of 44 anovulatory subjects with hyperprolactinaemia and 73% conceived. Most subjects ovulated during treatment with bromocriptine in a dose of 5 mg/day, however 8 required 10 mg/day, 3 required 15 mg/day and 2 required 40 mg/day. Half of the subjects showed follicular maturation only or deficient corpus luteum function as their initial ovarian response. Increase in the dose of bromocriptine administered was not always necessary to improve this response to that of normal ovulation. At the time of conception the serum prolactin level had been suppressed to normal in all but one subject and in the majority was less than 10 ng/ml.Three subjects who did not conceive during treatment with bromocriptine alone were also treated with thyroxine, although their thyroid function was normal. Two of these subjects conceived and the third had cycles of ovarian response of follicular maturation only or ovulation with deficient corpus luteum function having previously had no ovarian response when treated with bromocriptine alone.