Low-Temperature Adiabatic Studies of Spin-Flop States in Antiferromagnets

The theoretical basis for adiabatic investigations of antiferromagnetic spin-flop states is given. Experimental details of such experiments are briefly described and results of such experiments on CoCl2·6H2O and MnCl2·4H2O, which have known spin-flop states, are given. Results are also presented indicating that the two antiferromagnetic substances CoBr2·6H2O and FeCl2·4H2O exhibit spin flopping in accessible experimental regions. CoBr2·6H2O has a critical field of the order of 7500 G in the region 1.15°K to its triple point, 2.91°K. FeCl2·4H2O apparently exhibits spin flop below 0.68°K above a field equal to about 5500 G. The method also shows the lack of spin flopping in MnBr2·4H2O below 10 000 G above 1°K.