A Pulsed Electron Gun Suitable for Exciting Semiconductors to Inversion

For the study of bulk properties of electron excited semiconductors, it is necessary to apply high energy electrons for excitation which have a large penetration depth. A pulsed electron gun designed for investigating semiconductors under high excitation is described. It generates rectangular electron beam pulses with current densities up to 20 A/cm2. The profile of the current density in the focus plane is of Gaussian shape, its half‐width being up to 410 μ. The electron energy can be varied from 160 to 300 keV, the pulse duration from 20 to 1000 nsec with a shortest risetime of 5 nsec without deviating from rectangular shape. The repetition frequency can be varied from 50 Hz down to single shots. The pulses are triggered from earth potential allowing easy investigation of time dependent effects. As a first application, time behavior of laser action of CdS single crystals is reported.

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