Precision Determination of the Low-Lying Energy Levels of W182, W183, W184, and W186

The low-lying energy levels in the wolfram isotopes have been studied by using the 3.7-Mev proton beam of the A-48 high-current linear accelerator at the University of California Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, to excite the nuclei. The large beam currents available make it possible to use a bent-quartz-crystal spectrograph to observe the resultant γ rays. With such an instrument, a resolution of better than 0.1% is possible. The following γ rays have been observed: W182, 100.07±0.05 kev; W183, 46.508±0.030 kev and 52.612±0.030 kev; W184, 111.13±0.06 kev; W186, 122.48±0.08 kev. (Energies relative to W K-series x-rays.) The isotopic assignments are known from previous work on these lines. Known wavelengths of the K-series x-rays of wolfram and certain nuclear lines were used to calibrate the plate.