LX-Ray Transition Probabilities in Elements withZ>~57

The Lβ3Lβ4, Lγ1Lβ1, Lα2Lα1, Lβ2,15Lα1 and the Lβ2,15Lα2 transition probabilities have been measured for some 27 elements ranging in atomic number from La57 to U92. Other L transitions have also been measured for a smaller number of elements in the same range of atomic numbers. This has been accomplished by bombarding these elements with a constant energy electron beam and measuring their x-ray emission spectrum. The measured ratios are compared with the most recent calculation based on a relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater (RHFS) potential, and screened Coulomb potential. In general, the form of the dependence of these ratios on atomic number predicted by calculations based on a RHFS potential is favored and the agreement between theory and experiment ranges from excellent for the Lα2Lα1 ratio to a discrepancy of about 22% in the Lβ2,15Lα1 ratio for elements of large atomic number.