QCD sum rules and neutron-proton mass difference

We use the method of QCD sum rules to investigate the neutron-proton mass difference. We include diagrams consistently up to dimension 9, assuming different up and down current-quark masses (mumd), and distinguish between 0|:u¯u:|0 and 0|:d¯d:|0, the condensates of the up and down quarks. Using the typical current-quark masses mu=5.1 MeV and md=8.9 MeV and the standard condensate values for average current-quark masses, we perform numerical analyses of the resultant QCD p and unity sum rules. In particular, numerical analyses of the difference equation from the p sum rules yield MnMp=(1.35±0.24) MeV or (1.42±0.19) MeV, depending on the method of the analysis. Analogously, the difference equation from the unity sum rules yields MnMp=(1.35±0.35) MeV or (0.95±0.25) MeV. These predictions are consistent among themselves and all are in reasonable agreement with the experimental value of 1.29 MeV.