In June, 1927, Gellhorn1reported a case of his own and cited two others in which quinine, given for the purpose of inducing labor, apparently had caused fetal intra-uterine death. Since Watson's original communication in 1920, this method of inducing labor by means of castor oil. quinine and pituitary extract has gained wide recognition and is being used extensively. Quite a literature has appeared on this subject, and the efficiency of the method in properly selected cases is proved by the high percentage of successfully induced labors. Mathieu, in a recent article, reported ninety-one cases, with successful results in 96.7 per cent and failures in 3.3 per cent. He did not have any mortality, maternal or fetal. Similar results are reported by various authors in the obstetric literature from all over the country. I myself have been very enthusiastic about this method and have used it as a routine