Critical frontiers associated with the bond-diluted Ising ferromagnet on triangular and honeycomb lattices

Within a real space renormalisation group framework (12 different procedures, all of them using star-triangle and duality-type transformations) the authors calculate accurate approximations for the critical frontiers associated with the quenched bond-diluted first-neighbour, spin-1/2Ising ferromagnet on triangular and honeycomb lattices. All of them provide, in both pure bond percolation and pure Ising limits, the exact critical points and exact or almost exact derivatives in the p-t space (p is the bond-independent occupancy probability and t identical to tanh(J/kBT)). The authors best numerical proposals lead to the exact derivative in the pure percolation limit (p=pc) and, in what concerns the pure Ising limit (p=1) derivative, to a 0.15% error for the triangular lattice and to a 0.96% error for the honeycomb one; in the intermediate region (pc<p<1), where the exact critical frontiers are still unknown, the worst error in the variable t (for fixed p) is estimated to be less than 0.27% for the triangular lattice and 0.14% for the honeycomb one.