Efficacy of Clear Antacid Prophylaxis in Obstetrics

We studied 33 women scheduled to undergo general anesthesia for cesarean section. Prior to induction of anesthesia, each patient received in a random fashion one of two prophylactic antacids. Group I (n= 17) received 30 ml Gelusil® orally and Group II (n=16) received 30 ml of 0.3 mol/1 sodium citrate. After induction of general anesthesia an oro‐gastric tube was passed. The amount and pH of the gastric aspirate were measured at the time of delivery and 45 min after delivery “before extubation.” Both antacids elevated gastric pH above 3.5 in all patients but one in the Gelusil group. The pH remained elevated 45 min later. It is concluded that 0.3 mol/1 sodium citrate is effective as an antacid when given orally prior to induction of anesthesia.