We determine the behavior of the solution of the relativistic wave equation [(-2+m1 2 )1/2+(- 2+m2 2 )1/2 +V(r)-M]ψ(r)=0 for r→0 for the QCD-inspired running Coulomb potential V(r)∼-α0/r ln(r0/r), r≪r0. This equation appears in the theory of relativistic quark-antiquark bound states in a spinless, instantaneous approximation. We find that the radial wave function for angular momentum l behaves as Rl(r)∼rl[ln(r0/r)]lλ for r→0 with λl>0 a known constant. The severity of the (power-law) divergence of rl Rl at r=0 noted previously for a Coulomb potential is therefore reduced (but not eliminated) for the running potential.